The Legacy of Francis Bacon’s Vision for Science

In the first two decades of the 17th century, Francis Bacon articulated a vision as to how a transformed approach to scientific investigation could contribute to improving the practical arts and ‘the betterment of man’s estate’. But to achieve this would require vast investment by the State, and a systematically organised division of labour in specialised institutes. The works which were published after he was deposed as Lord Chancellor were instrumental in inspiring the formation of the Royal Society after the Restoration.

This monograph was stimulated by the ambition of an Institute of Physics group to mark the 400th anniversary of the publication of Bacon’s Novum Organum, by developing a new version for the 21st century ‘for the relief of our planet’. The timing of this publication seemed particularly apposite because of the launch of Derby’s Museum of Making in the former Derby Silk Mill, which is regarded as the world’s first modern factory.

Published by Quandary Books 2021

Colour and b/w illustrations

Pages: vi, 59.

ISBN 978-1-913253-18-9

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